Common Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Pavers

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Pavers can transform your outdoor space. Aside from the aesthetic appeal it brings, it also adds value to your property. However, before you can even begin to enjoy these benefits, you’ll need to install the first. Installing pavers in your outdoor space can be tricky. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you might do more harm than good. Mistakes in installing pavers may result in uneven surfaces and drainage issues, and the pavers might not even last you long if you installed them incorrectly. If you’re planning on installing fresh new pavers in your outdoor area but just don’t know where to start, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a list of common mistakes to watch out for and how you can avoid them.

Skipping Site Preparation

laying for steps in paver installation

The first step to a successful paver installation is to prepare the site properly. You’ll want to make sure that you properly excavate and compact the base material if you want to have an even paver surface. Failure to do so can lead to unsightly and uneven pavers that can also potentially cause drainage issues.  One of the common mistakes in installing pavers is not digging enough to accommodate the base material. You not only need to consider the base material but also the bedding sand, and the pavers themselves when preparing your site for installation. So you dug deep enough considering all the things previously mentioned, but the prep work does not stop there. Once you’re done with excavation, you’ll need to properly compact the base material to provide a solid foundation for your pavers. 

Not Using Edging 

Another one of the common mistakes in installing pavers is not using edge restraints. Edging is used to hold the pavers and base material in place. This prevents them from shifting over time. If you’re not using edging, your pavers can shift which can lead to gaps and uneven surfaces. We’ve already discussed what uneven surfaces can do so it’s best to avoid having that happen. When using edge restraints, you should ensure that it is used along the entire perimeter of the paver installation and not just one corner or one side. 

Not Considering Drainage

When installing pavers, you should always consider drainage. Neglecting this can lead to some major problems. Remember, water should always be directed away from your property and should lead towards proper drainage areas. If you don’t plan your drainage properly, water can pool on the surface of the paver pavers. This can lead to erosion of the base material over time. Thankfully, this is an easy mistake to avoid. Just make sure that the pavers are installed at a slight slope to encourage water to run off to the proper designated drainage channels. 

Rushing the Installation

preparation before installing pavers

It’s understandable that you’d want to get the installation done quickly, but you should always remember that installing pavers is not a race. This is one of those common mistakes in installing pavers people do, they rush things. This can often lead to cutting corners and not completing each step properly. Rushing might cause you to do a sloppy job in compacting the base material or not properly level your bedding sand. Things like this can lead to bigger problems in the long run so it’s best to take it slow and just ensure that you do each step properly to avoid headaches. It’s not the speed at which you complete the paver installation, it’s the quality of work that will make the installation a success. 

Choosing the Wrong Pavers

So you’re done with the prep work and you’re made sure that you did each step properly. Now it’s time to finally install the pavers. But the question is: did you get the right pavers? Choosing the right paver is crucial as the wrong paver type can lead to problems down the line. You’ll need to choose the right paver based on whether or not it suits the climate in your area or if it can withstand the weight of vehicle traffic for a driveway. If you’re not sure how to choose the correct paver type for your outdoor space, you can always ask your local hardware store for more information, or better yet ask for professional help. This brings us to our last point… 

Not Seeking Professional Help

installing paver in a slope

While installing pavers may seem like a great DIY project, it can completely go off rails if you don’t know what you’re doing. Many of the mistakes in installing pavers come from homeowners trying their hand at DIY installation and ultimately messing everything up. The best way to avoid all these mistakes is to just leave it to the pros. Seeking professional help can save you time, money, and effort and this also ensures that your pavers are installed properly and that it will last you a long time.

Are you planning on installing new pavers in your outdoor space but don’t know anything about it? The Concrete Painter has years of experience in installing pavers. With our years of experience, we know our way around paver installations and know what mistakes to avoid. We have a team of highly skilled individuals who are ready to help you install your brand-new pavers and make your outdoor space look good. From site preparation to installation, we make sure that we do each step properly with precision and accuracy. 

So if you want to avoid costly repairs due to mistakes in installing pavers, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Get in touch with The Concrete Painter today, and let us help you transform your outdoor space.

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