years of

Limestone Cleaning and Sealing Perth

Why choose us for Limestone Cleaning and Sealing

  • Perth’s experts at getting old to new.
  • Mouldy and grubby limestone and paving back to life and resealed.
  • You will be surprised at the results.
  • Only quality materials sealants used.

  • High pressure cleaning
  • Stain removal
  • Old paving made new again
  • High quality sealants used


The hazards of limestone cleaning and sealing in Perth

Limestone floors are lovely to look at, providing a rustic, classic beauty which will add a specific object to any location. It is also much more long-lasting than the reputation that leads it would suggest, and is properly cared for, should last for years to come.

Just like any type of flooring, it is vital to take care to ensure that your floor is properly cared for and cleaned, as any floor of this type will be a substantial investment which you will want to safeguard.

To speak about the hazards, it is vital to start with what damages limestone and that is spills. Limestone marks and stains are pretty simple, hence it is generally not found in areas where spills are common, like kitchens and bathrooms. If you want to install a new floor in those areas, you are recommended to consider an optional material.

Although spills are a hazard, it is possible to proactively avoid severe issues. The implementation of a good quality commercial sealant is a starting point, as a sealant will provide an extra layer of protection and essentially waterproof the tiles.

It is vital not to forget the tile grout, which is a porous material and will stain more easily than the tiles themselves, a separate sealant is highly suggested. It is vital to ensure that the floor is neat before sealing happens and that the ideal sealant is selected.

A limestone cleaning expert like us will be able to suggest an ideal limestone cleaning and sealing in Perth for you.

It is recommendable to clean up spills as early as they happen, and also few other common sense actions. Heavy objects like furniture should be lifted rather than dragging it, while padded tips should be applied to the sharp points, chair legs or corners. If you find a stain you can’t shift, want to have your floor re-sealed, you should contact a professional limestone cleaning and sealing in Perth like us which will be able to help.

Limestone has been used for centuries as a construction material and also has a long history while being used as a type of flooring. It provides a rugged, classic quality which will improve any location, but is not without its issues.

We should commence by stating that though limestone is softer than other types of natural stone used in flooring, it is still a durable material and if treated properly, should look good and last for years to come.

Just like any floor type, maintenance is the secret, but limestone presents a few extra issues which implies that maintenance requirements are to be regular and comprehensive.

Though it is a durable material, it is also a material that may get stained easily, and that is why limestone is generally more suitable for indoor than outdoor use.

It is specifically prone to staining from liquids with rain and acidic content which discolours the rock substantially. Limestone can be a great indoor floor option but is not suggested in areas where spills are common like bathrooms or kitchens.

It is also vital to keep grit and dirt off the surface and avoid surface scratching, hence be sure to sweep regularly and take care while moving heavy objects.

Cleaning the surface is also vital. Make sure to check any cleaning products, use a neutral PH cleaner if possible, and clean regularly after the floor has been sealed. For advise on cleaning or which products to utilize, again you would be recommended to consult a limestone cleaning specialist or company like us.

A floor won’t be protected permanently after the application of a sealant, hence be sure it is periodically resealed and that the protection is ongoing.

Moreover, be sure that the floor has been properly and comprehensively cleaned before the sealant is applied.

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